More details on the bus bit........
An interisting piece from
The Mirror by Gloria De Piero
MP▸ quoting selectively
I don’t drive, so I have a better insight than some MPs into public transport in our area.
It is literally impossible for me to travel from Eastwood, the town where I live, to nearby areas Kirkby or Sutton in Ashfield after 5.30 in the evening.
I couldn’t get there at all on a Sunday as there is no service.
In the most rural parts of my constituency, such as Selston, the services are even less frequent – which seems so unfair given people are already more isolated than those living in the towns.
Because I work in London for part of the week, I can see first-hand just how much more frequent and impressive bus services in London are, which is just another example of the appalling inequality between the capital and the rest.
I decided to ask the Government about cancellations to see the extent of the difference, and I just wasn’t prepared for the gulf between my two homes: 712 local bus service registrations were cancelled in the North East traffic area, compared with just 178 in the South Eastern and Metropolitan one.
My constituents have had literally four times as many services cancelled than people in the capital and surrounding area.
she concludes
Warm words from Sajid Javid, without proper funding and better regulation, will not go nearly far enough.
As a bus driver’s son, you would hope he’d know something about that.