I have opened a new thread for this subject as I was at a meeting tonight at which this subject came up.
The concept of a Park and Ride for bus users has been ongoing in Yate since 2008.
The original plan was for a Park and Ride site to be constructed on the former Nibley Sewage Works site and the LA at the time set aside funds for this but it wasn't started within the budgeted financial year and thus it appears the finance was lost. Anyway concerns were made that as there would be no Park and Ride specific buses but car users using the facility would have to use the normal 1/2 hourly service with potentially all stops to Bristol Bus Station.
Roll forward to present.
In tonights meeting I stated that, "I see they've started the Park and Ride, when I passed there on the bus last Friday I noted contractors plant was on site". "Oh no", howled some councillors from the LA present at the meeting, "the contractors plant present on the site is for the extension to the car park at the LA's Badminton Road offices for their employees, the new administration have decided it was more important to extend the employees car park on the land set aside for the Park and Ride spending council taxpayers money rather than build the Park and Ride which local council taxpayers would benefit from of which council employees could use anyway.