Bit difficult to know where to put this ! Mods please move if you can think of a better place !
Most interesting article in Bank Holiday Monday Bristol Evening Post. I cannot get the link to work in order to post here. If someone else can, that's fine ! click throughs..)
Why Isambard's father Mark Brunel was actually the real genius
While we are all impressed by the genius of Isambard, his father paved the way
While we are all impressed by the genius of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and while Bristol in particular owes a great deal to him, it means that his equally remarkable father is often overlooked
Eugene Byrne looks at the life and times of Marc Brunel, born 250 years ago this week.
“The career of Brunel,” wrote Samuel Smiles, “was of a more romantic character than falls to the ordinary lot of mechanical engineers.”
He wasn’t talking about Isambard, but of Isambard’s father. ...
Edit - grahame Many thanks for the working link GBM. Marc and Ismbard Brunel's lives are a fascinating story ... but I have trimmed back your quote as I think we're getting beyond "quoting for review" and more into "pinching someone's content" by carrying the whole article here. Always a difficult line to draw; now that the link is working I would encourage members to follow it and read Eugene Byrne's full text. An excellent piece!