Perturbed by Park and Ride Provision Regis does really need a Park and Ride service. There is very little parking space in the town centre, with the main sites being some distance away down (to the beach) and up (wearily from); in peak summer all of them can be full and traffic congestion is compounded with frustrated visitors driving to and fro in the hope of finding a space.
For several years a shuttle minibus ran from Charmouth Road car park in the west ...
And that carries on with a history. To learn about the situation at present a brief visit to Lyme Regis on Saturday (last) fbb was astounded to meet, face to face, a Jurassic Coaster double deck bus on Lyme Regis Park and Ride.
And there was another one going in the opposite direction!
Total loading on the two vehicle was FIVE, three arrivals and two departures - so it was a wise decision to schedule double decks! fbb had seen no local publicity for this plentiful provision but that was no real surprise as Lyme is across the border in D*rs*t (where be dragons!).
So, back at fbb mansions, a delve into the wonders of the interwebnet as we are continually told, "It's all on line."
There appears to be an east and a west car parks ... buses passing through the pinch point in the centre of Lyme Regis as they traverse bewteen them. The online publicity is lacking (!!) and the service not doing very well in terms of loading. Runs over easter; don't know if it will be back later in the year.
Several posts this morning quote "Fat Bus Bloke" on
Passenger Transport Experience .... worth a look not only for buses (but if you scroll down the daily blog pages) snippets of other stories he's found - perhaps while sitting on a bus in a queue waiting to get to Portishead or Lyme Regis.