Following all the outrage here on personal safety and disruption to daily life, I would welcome suggestions of how to achieve rather more change in direction than has been achieved in the last thirty years, without the disruption/danger.
The following is a useful reference for international / historical comparison of
GHG▸ emissions. (There is also loads of other interesting stuff on the same site). are a few peaceful suggestions.
Lobby, petition, and march in favour of more and larger wind farms.
Ditto in favour of changes to the building regulations to require new homes to be zero carbon.
Protest against any more oil and gas exploration.
Argue against any and all new construction of gas burning power plants.
Argue against all new road building.
And of course set a good example by not driving or flying, and by minimising use of fuel in the home.
And a few less peaceful but probably more effective actions.
Disrupt air travel by blocking roads to airports, leaving fake bombs in airports, drone flying.
Try to close down coal burning power stations by disrupting rail access thereto.
Publicly shame NIMBYs who argue against renewable energy infrastructure.
Publicly shame and blockade or disrupt energy wasting organisations.