At least when they do appear online and at stations the GWR▸ social media team won’t have to keep answering why aren’t they available to view online. GWR have done a great job spreading the word about the new timetable without actually publishing the one thing people want to see...the new timetable!
For some reason GWR still want to point people to when promoting the new timetable on social media.
See tweet below: someone asks are the pdfs available yet to which the answer given is yes you can download a pdf here comes back saying they know about that but want a pdf of the full timetable. Knowing they are up on the GWR website, and have been since mid November, I post the link to the timetables page and suggest to GWR help that why not put the link to the new timetables on the 2019 page so everyone can find them easily.
Not long after my tweet, which has been deleted, and not by me, the person has now been directed by GWR help to the page where the new timetable pdfs can be found which is what they asked for in the first place.
Please help me out to understand why having gone to the effort of publishing the timetables online and making them available at stations in good time for the timetable change that GWR are not updating this page so people can easily find the new timetable pdfs.
Why don’t GWR want people to find the new timetables on their website?
Also @GWRhelp I don’t appreciate my tweets being deleted when I was trying to help one of your customers and make a helpful and not critical suggestion