Indeed Graham, the weak link as it were on the Cardiff-Portsmouth line is between Westbury and Salisbury but there is some good news with SWR» operating more services from the May TT change. Question is are they where they are needed time wise for this section of line?
Small step in the right direction ... southbound from WARMINSTER, peaks and daytime, split hour by hour:
07:12 sou (Southampton Central)
08:12 pmh (Portsmouth Harbour)
09:10 pmh
09:48 wat (London Waterloo)
10:10 phm
11:09 pmh
11:20 sou
11:45 sal - NEW TRAIN (Salisbury)
12:09 pmh
13:09 pmh
13:39 btn (Brighton)
13:46 wat
14:09 pmh
15:09 pmh
15:50 sal - NEW TRAIN
16:12 phm
16:47 sal
17:11 pmh
17:54 sal
18:15 pmh
19:12 pmh
19:49 sou
20:17 pmh
20:23 wat (sal to 18.5)
So ...
6 hours out of 14 - just one train (was 7)
1 hour out of 14 - only other train close behind (was 2)
7 hours out of 14 - at least 2nd train in middle of hour (was 5)
Note that "sal" services are as shown on Real Time Trains - may be through carriages to Waterloo; some trains are in fact Waterloo to Waterloo via Yeovil Junction and Westbury!
Not shown above - but a big disappointment is that none of the SWR trains call at Dilton Marsh; a late change as around half of them were shown as calling in draft timetables. If passenger numbers at a station are not good, it could be because of a poor catchment or because of a very poor service. Dilton Marsh is has moved from the former (strictly from both) categories to the latter category and an excellent opportunity has not been taken. But then I'm sure that though passenger would prefer to sit looking at the platform in Westbury or Salisbury on the layovers that these trains have there than lowering themselves to a stop at Dilton Marsh
Edit to add 13:46 way which I had missed - Grahame