Following up from a thread on Oxford Evening Out tickets that brought us back to some more general issues
... That said, I wonder if it would still encounter the ticket machine problem. The
TVM▸ at Charlbury
still won't suggest a Super Off-Peak Return to Paddington at the appropriate hours.
Last time we discussed this, ChrisB observed that "presently, it only has two settings - peak & off-peak (whatever time that is at the station location of the TVM) - thus can't cope with the valid time of the super off-peak, nor that evening out ticket". ...
Melksham Station - what the ticket machine sells and other concerns.Noting ... these issues are not (all) unique to Melksham; this thread follows on from a thread referring to Charlbury.
Please add other examples to this thread as there may be widespread / systemic issues involved
1. The ticket machine has London (Paddington) return tickets on the front screen - offering these tickets (all period returns) at £177.00 (any time tickets) during the morning peak on Mondays to Fridays, and at £74.60 (off peak tickets) at all other times. A super off peak ticket is also available at £56.00 via a secondary menu, though having seen "Off Peak Return" on the front menu, passengers who are not familiar with rail travel are unlikely to realise that there may be a lower cost option.
The Super Off Peak ticket (the cheaper one on the secondary menu) is valid on all trains to London via Swindon except the 07:20 and 07:49, both of which require an ay time ticket. There are no services at all from Melksham to London on which an off peak, but not a super off peak is valid, unless you break your journey in Swindon overnight.
The Super Off Peak ticket is also valid on ALL trains back from London on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays. It is also valid back from London on trains at 11:45 12:30 14:15 on Monday to Friday, and at 19:12 on Monday to Thursday. Anytime tickets are required from London to Melksham on the 07:45 and 17:45 Monday to Friday, and Off Peak tickets (rather than Super off peak) are required on the 09:45, 16:30 Monday to Friday, and on the 19:00 on Friday.
Melksham to London is about a 90 minute journey, with day trips being common place. I would suggest that on a Saturday and Sunday most people are likely to be coming back the same day, and that the £56.00 ticket should be offered on the front menu and not the £74.60 ticket - the chance that a person travelling to London on a Saturday morning will be coming back at 09:45 or 16:30 during the following week is pretty darned slim. I would also suggest that on a Monday to Thursday morning after the morning peak, the £56.00 ticket should be offered - it's far more likely that the person will be returning at 19:12 or in the middle of a following day than at 09:45 or 16:30 (16:30 possible, but that's a short London trip!).
As I understand it, rules do not
require ticket machines to offer all tickets, nor offer the most likely to be best value on their front panel - but it feels slightly "dirty" to me to promote a product that's £18.60 more expensive than most people are likely to want on a Saturday over and above the best value ticket. It feels even dirtier because it's far from clear to rail newbies that there's likely to be a hidden lower price option, and because there's no definition that I've found in the machine that tells you which fares apply to which specific trains - just a general statement on both off peak and super off peak that they're not valid on peak trains.
2. The printed B5 timetable (download via, and the official timetable published by the TransWIlts
CRP▸ ( ) both suggest a London (Paddington) departure at 19:00 to connect at Chippenham with the 20:23 from there to Melksham as being the last train 'home' at night. That is an off peak fare - £74.60 return if you want up on any train except the 07:20 or 07:49. The journey planner, however, offers you the 19:12 off Paddington on Mondays to Thursdays, change at Swindon, at a fare of £56.00
3. A new poster has appeared at Melksham (same poster at Trowbridge) talking of penalty fare rules from 1st April 2019.
"You will need to your ticket before you board to avoid being issued with a Penalty Fare" and "If ticket selling facilities are not available where you board, you will be given the opportunity to purchase a ticket on board". The machine at Melksham does not take cash, does not sell groupsaves nor rangers or rovers, does not offer excesses. It does not accept Rail Warrants or Rail Travel Vouchers. And as you've seen from above, information at the machine is sometimes far from clear as to exactly what ticket applies to you.
As stated, these rules say that you'll no longer be able to travel from Melksham and pay in cash for your journey as from the start of next month. That's the biggest concern element here - a number of our users are young or don't have "plastic" or mobile phones with credit for other reasons, and for cash payment to be withdrawn in favour of penalising them seems harsh; I suspect in practise the train manager would sell a ticket for cash, or a groupsave ... but the vulnerable feel threatened. Happy for those who are trying to beat the system to be penaltied, but not for the system to "milk" those who've had no choice.
OK - the above looks a bit negative. How about some suggestions for
GWR▸ 1. Switch the Melksham machine to offering Anytime (£177) and Super Off Peak (£56) London tickets on the front menu. Add definitions of what "Off Peak" and "Super Off Peak" actually mean in place of the current duplicated and generalised text.
This will save many un-savvy passengers paying £18.60 more than they need.
2. Update (correct) the printed B5 timetable, the TransWilts printed timetable, and the online .pdf versions of both (and any other publications!) to show the 19:12 train. As the incorrect information has been provided by GWR and TransWilts for several months, it might be a good and positive idea to do a promotion - "later train back - lower fare".
This will allow un-savvy passenger who didn't know about the 19:12 to save money - very often £18.603. Update the penalty fare notice to read "If ticket selling facilities to sell you the ticket you need using the payment method you'll be using, or if it's unclear which is the right ticket for you from the ticket machine, please ask a member of staff on board who will give you the opportunity to purchase your ticket". Inform staff of the change and ensure that the (very few) who get shirty when selling a ticket not available via the TVM with the payment method available are reminded not to be shirty!
This will re-assure vulnerable passenger and help ensure they're not put off using the train.