The following post on RailUK Forums may be of interest to the membership here:
Greetings RailUK Forums community. This is the Digital Engagement Team at the House of Commons. We work to engage online audiences with the work happening in the House of Commons, and wanted to let you know about an upcoming debate:
On Tuesday, Stephen Doughty MP▸ will be leading a debate in Westminster Hall on the performance of the Great Western Railway network. We are gathering the views and experiences of the public which we'll pass onto Stephen to help him inform his speech and remarks.
Specifically, we'd like to know:
How would you rate your experience of using GWR▸ ?
Have you experienced delays or other performance issues on GWR trains? How have these affected you?
Tell us your thoughts and experiences on this thread for your chance to feed into the debate.
We are also running the thread on Facebook if you’d prefer to submit your comments here. Do send the link on to anyone you know who isn't a member of the RailUK Forum and would be interested in taking part.
Please submit your responses by midday on Monday 4 February for your chance to be included.
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Your username, and any information or opinions you provide, may be shared with Stephen Doughty MP and used in a parliamentary debate which will be on the record and available on Parliament TV and Hansard. Please ensure that you are happy with your comment before sharing.
I have posted a reply and messaged the
OP▸ of that post, the House of Commons Digital Engagement Team, pointing them to this forum too, as we are more GWR 'centric'. I think it'd be useful for Stephen Doughty's debate if opinion were also gathered from here.