The chief evil of the age is without a doubt 5G, bringing with it Coronavirus, brain freezes, bad weather and probably locusts, according to the vocal band of leading local tin-foil wearers, PhD's in the subject to a man, woman or other.. A look at the internet shows that they are already reporting symptoms, long before the technology gets anywhere close, and that some are now worrying about their use of the mobile ohone technology they have been using for years. One chap from Bath actually earths himself with copper wire in bed. He doesn't say if he has researched interation with lightning, but we might found out one day.
Some are claiming that global 5G technology will enable China (because China currently occupies the role successively inhabited since about 1789 by France, Germany, France, Russia, France and France) to send a high-pitched tone through your phone, beyond the range of human hearing but instantly killing your brain cells. Possibly this has already happened in some cases...