I believe both are confirmed as fatalities - two lives tragically and I suspect needlessly lost. Individual fatalities attributed "person hit by train" are far too common; they happen more days than not in the
UK▸ . And most of them (but we do not know about the two today) are suicides. What makes today's unusual is that it was the same physical train on the same day - and I have no reason to suspect that was anything other than an awful co-incidence.
May I point newer forum members at http://www.passenger.chat/6526 . It's a thread that the admin and moderator team put together a while back (and have revised since) to provide information / guidance / help to all our forum member, if and however they're involved is such a tragedy. And can I also suggest a re-read of
http://www.passenger.chat/20726 .
Swindon Samaritans is encouraging commuters at train stations to act if they notice someone who may be at risk.
A new phase of the Small Talk Saves Lives campaign, launched by Samaritans in partnership with British Transport Police, Network Rail and the wider rail industry, is emphasising how each of us has all the experience we need to help save a life.
Perhaps there is a "virtual" side to that too - I know of others (who I have not seen around this evening) who I know have been helped in a small way by the hand of friendship this forum brings. That makes me feel very nervous; it's a high stakes thing - a very brave step for someone to to step in and offer such friendship just as it's a brave step for someone to ask or admit they need help. Please don't let any fall-out over words prevent members from taking a brave step - but please is you're taking a brave step to reach out to someone call in / call on expert to help both of you as soon as it's practical.