Of all the stations on the list, I'm interested to know what role people see Badminton Station fulfilling... it doesn't seem to be be near anywhere, and I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake when I voted for it!
OK - I admit it - I included Badminton in the list as a 'control' to see how many people would vote for
anything - of 27 voters, 7 did ... but only 4 voted for Coalpit Heath, so perhaps the last laugh in on some of the voters who have looked carefully and said that Badminton IS a good idea but Coalpit Heath is not. Comments welcome
Ah, well you tripped me up good and proper. Thing is, I think I was fairly negative about Breich station and may even have talked down Pilning, only to realise that there was more to these proposals than met the eye - so I sort of assumed that there must be a case for Badminton of which I was unaware...
Of all the stations on the list, I'm interested to know what role people see Badminton Station fulfilling... it doesn't seem to be be near anywhere, and I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake when I voted for it!
Maybe or maybe not. Your earlier post quoting support for a what is now a suggested
P&R▸ there is maybe even more relevant now?
Is there a case for that now? Corfield was arguing for it in 1968, when a car park could have been built for 4d and Parkway was still a marshalling yard...