It's been a fair old while since I've compiled such a quiz. A combination of a PC being in bits and problems with picture hosting on Photobucket. With surprisingly little hassle I've managed to put together a large selection - all resized, edited and uploaded using my phone.
The selection comprises photos taken at a variety of rail related locations, both on the national network and at heritage/former sites. All from my archive of images from the past 10 years. Some may have appeared before on this forum, and some may be more difficult than others.
Please respect the usual forum rule for such quizzes:
One guess each for the first 24 hours1. Vivary Park, obligatory Taunton. grahame
2. Old Oak Common. Rob on the hill
3. Parkend, Dean Forest Railway. AMLAG
4.Colyton. Alan Pettitt
5.Weston-super-Mare. Plymothian
6. Milton Keynes Central. Surrey 455
7. Sheffield Park, Bluebell Railway. PhilWakely
8.Blackpool North. stuving
9. Bodmin General. lympstone_commuter
10. Ipswich. Adelante_CCT
11. Penrhyn, Ffestiniog Railway. PhilWakely
12. Castle Cary. rogerw/rogerpatenall
13. Littlehampton. Adelante_CCT
14. Chard Junction. PhilWakely
15. Ramsgate. JontyMort
16. Yeovil Pen Mill. bradshaw
17. Exeter St Davids. marky7890
18. Windsor & Eton Riverside. JontyMort
19. Evesham. brooklea
20. Crofton Pumping House, Berks & Hants. eightf45444
21. Dolygaer, Brecon Mountain Railway. Merthyr Imp
22. Staverton, South Devon Railway. johnneyw
23. Bristol Temple Meads. CharlieGlos
24. Tenterden Town, K&
ESR▸ . brooklea
25. Ker Moor, Blue Anchor WSR. Puffing Billy
26. Folkestone Harbour. Oxman
27. Bishops Lydeard. bobm
28. Melksham. grahame
29. Lappa Valley Railway. ellendune
30. Manchester Oxford Road. Adelante_CCT
31. The former Chard Central station. PhilWakely
32. Goonbarrow Junction. SandTEngineer
33. Hoveton & Wroxham. stuving
34. Queen's Park. Oxenhutch
35. St Erth. old original