A side some people seem very quick to accept as the gospel truth.
Until such time as evidence to the contrary is forthcoming I'll chose to believe the reports from reputable media sources. Backed up by the swift corporate apology.
I have personal experience of some very questionable attitudes from staff at Paddington. And I've heard of the experiences of many other passengers there. Treated with disdain, contempt, refused travel with valid tickets, falsely accused of being abusive. This happens daily.
Reputable media sources.... there isn’t such a thing! They’ve got a one sided account of events. Should these be proven to be untrue they don’t print retractions. The “swift corporate apology” is standard practice. If you don’t it’s bad
PR▸ , see recent events on RyanAir.
Can’t really comment on what you allege as I’ve never witnessed anything.
Basically then your position is that the customers honesty is questionable, the fulsome apology (and presumably the refund too?) from
GWR▸ is meaningless, the media can't be trusted and because you've never personally seen something you can't comment on whether it exists or not.......the lengths some people will go to in order to defend a narrative are incredible. I hope you get the staff loyalty award, you certainly deserve it!
Pretty much, yes and that’s not a position restricted just to GWR.
1. Yes, the customers honesty is questionable. We’ve had staff, not necessarily GWR, who have been accused of assault, sexual assault, abuse etc however, the complainants quickly withdraw there complaints once they are told there is
CCTV▸ of the incident. One particular incident recently whereby a passenger claimed a member of staff physically pushed them off a train and they fell out onto the platform causing injury. CCTV showed another passenger opening the door the complainant was actually leaning against. No staff member in the vicinity. I suppose working in public services, not always the railway has taught me what customers can be like.
2. I don’t believe apologies made by any company are all genuine. It’s a public relations excercise to be seen to do the right thing. The refund costs pennies to a company in the grand scheme of things and everyone loves a refund right. In this particular incident, the allegation was made and the apology was pretty much instant, done before a significant furore built. No investigation required. PR success.
Look at the recent incident on RyanAir. They failed to apologise for the racist incident onboard one of their flights and the backlash was huge.
3. I have never trusted the media, there’s always a bias. These days they will run with any story without any research or evidence. Twitter journalism.
4. If I haven’t seen something then I can’t comment. Pretty standard really. I’m not gullible or naïve. No staff loyalty award required. Just a bit more clued up on the way the world works than some. Let’s hope you guys don’t end up on jury service!
In my book, if you want to talk to someone in an abrupt, rude, obnoxious manner than expect a reply to follow suit with limited information.