... if the climate emergency is being taken seriously then it can only be a matter of time before things start moving again.
Ha ha thunk splash! I just fell off my chair into the Sea of Avon.
The critical phrase is "if the climate emergency is being taken seriously" Were that the case, we would be electrifying all railways, building new nuclear power stations each week (preferably using
Thorium rather than Uranium). We would then wire all homes in the
UK▸ to 3-phase AC to allow the use of electric water and space heating, plus the charging of an electric car via a charger of at least 5KW. The fast ones on motorways use over 11KW, which is beyond the supply to most streets, never mind homes, as things stand.
Today, a very windy one, wind power produces nearly 20% of our electricity. That represents less than 40% of our energy use, so wind - loved by city dwellers, hated by those who can hear it - produces less than 8% of our needs on a good day. The surplus that is to be stored in batteries (23 fires in South Korea in the last year) doesn't exist.
I believe that we should stop burning oil, coal, and gas in the production of electricity. I have a 1.2KW solar panel on my roof, which was the cheapest way that the builder could achieve an A+ rating for energy.Every light bulb in the house is LED, it gets so hot in winter when the sun shines that I have to open windows and doors, so I have done what I can. I am taking the "climate emergency" seriously, but only because it saves me money.
I am recently returned from Tokyo, and will be off to Tenerife in January next year.