At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it's a shame the timetables as a whole are not set so that all likely interchanges have at least the minimum connection time between them.
Indeed - though there are issues that make that very difficult to achieve. The current timetable does reasonably well having been tuned (
GWR▸ ) and nagged (Community inputs) into that shape over the years. But when trains change because of engineering, there seems to be no time for tuning, and when we age we're told "too late" or "it's just for a few days". Apparently, where there were 3 major possessions in 2012, there are 40 in 2018 (hope I have those figures right) and no-one's got the resource to do more than come up with a basic service - so what if a 2 hourly bus leaves 5 minutes before the usually-connecting train arrives?
We've had this worry over 50 days of no daytime service this year on the TransWilts, but the much bigger worry is the 2019 timetable which has connection and timing issues all over it. Frankly, thank goodness it's not coming in month 1 2019 and probably not month 5 - may be month 9 or 12 or even 17. As that gives a chance to at least correct the drafts which have all the
SLC▸ service slapped into them, and conform, but they're a disconnected setup where connections are random rather than a true network.