......or in the case of Venezuela, as our esteemed Shadow Chancellor suggested, they just weren't socialist enough!
Yes that is what the headline in the
Daily Express (I know such a reliable newspaper) said, but if you actually read the article its says something quite different
Mr McDonnell said: “All the objectives of Chavez, in terms of tackling inequality, investing in education, developing people’s skills, would have been successful if they had mobilised the oil resources to actually invest in the long term and work with private sectors as well.
“I think in Venezuela they took a wrong turn, a not particularly effective path, not a socialist path.
"There are lessons to be learned on the mistakes all around."
Still it might not have sold as many papers if they had put that as a headline. And if they had been seen to suggest that John Macdonell was anything other than the personification of evil then would have lost their whole readership.
Thanks for that - I'm sure it wasn't (both of your) intentions to come over as quite so patronising or to make assumptions about people based on their opinions/choice of newspaper, I know it's (depressingly) the "go to" argument for certain congregations these days however I don't read the Express. I do follow a range of media and I'm able to make up my own mind.
I've seen McDonnell's comments interpreted in the same way elsewhere (you will note my use of the word "suggested") and I interpreted his speech at Davos in the same way - that Chavez wasn't "socialist enough" as he didn't sufficiently institutionalise or embed what he was doing for the long term, and instead sustained short term populist policies & used the oil reserves as a piggy bank. Different interpretations are available elsewhere.
Ultimately of course, the money ran out. It was good (for some) while it lasted - Not uncommon in these scenarios. He'd probably have liked your corner shop analogy. . I'm sure the closed factories, & the empty clinics and schools are a great comfort to those poor souls who are now eating their pets.
I don't think that too many people regard McDonnell as the "personification of evil", that's rather melodramatic .most people are more sophisticated than you give them credit for, they understand nuance, and their opinions will vary along the scale.
I don't think he's "evil". He's an idealogue. That's not evil, just naive. That's in the economic sense of course, he does/has had a somewhat problematic attitude to terrorism, but that's par for the course in the Labour leadership these days, and not for here.
However I'm one of those people who trusts and respects others to have the intelligence to weigh up differing points of view and make up their own minds, rather than label them based on their choice of media.
The great thing about opinions of course is that everyone can have one!
Have a great week.