Public Transport Campaigning is rarely about competing with other campaigns - we learn far, far more than we loose by working with other parts of the country.
I am posting the next TravelWatch NORTHWest meeting ( here in Bristol Commuters as the meeting is concentrating on public transport in Merseyside and there may be some things to learn. I note it's a public meeting; the chair of
TWNW▸ often comes to
TWSW» (and we often send a director up there from TWSW) ... please feel free to get in touch with them, or I can do an intro if you like.
The next conference of TravelWatch NorthWest, open to all members of the public and kindly sponsored by Merseytravel will take place Merseytravel, One Mann Island, Liverpool L69 3HN on Thursday 18th October 2018.
The conference will be opened by Cllr Liam Robinson, Chairman of the Merseytravel Transport Committee and will run from 11.45 am following our AGM▸ . Speakers will include Andy Heath, MD of Merseyrail and a presentation on the Merseyside Bus Alliance
There will also be an opportunity for delegates to ask a question or make a point about any public transport issues. The conference will conclude by 15.15 hrs.
There is no formal charge for the conference, refreshments or lunch. However voluntary donations from delegates are invited to help to cover our ongoing costs. Any donations, which are entirely voluntary, will be gratefully received. Please contact us if you wish to attend.