I'd obviously like the branch from Chard Junction to reopen, with a station as close to the middle of Chard as possible. Move Tesco out the way, run the tracks through Stringfellow Park (I'll have to walk Finn in Jocelyn Park instead) and terminate in 'The Original Factory Shop' building. A building that looks remarkably like a Victorian station already. This station would of course be Chard Central (CCL). Small matter of a few dozen houses surrounding this building to remove also...
But is the old Joint Station really central to the great metropolis that is now Chard? While Furnham, which is where is really is, has been part of Chard (or Greater Chard, if you prefer) administratively for a long time, it's distinctly off-centre. Maybe they missed a trick when the joint station took over as "Chard", and should have called it Furnham Orchard.