Wellllll ... poll closed last night ...
West of England Main Line - 18 (50%)
Plymouth Main Line - 2 (5.6%)
West of England Fast Line - 0 (0%)
Riviera Line - 1 (2.8%)
Lesser Way Round - 0 (0%)
The Westbury Wonderoute - 1 (2.8%)
Colin - 1 (2.8%)
Something else (please post below) - 13
and in spite of an active number of posters suggesting the name was too similar to the one used for the line from Waterloo via Salisbury, and that that line should have this name, half the voters went for the
West of England Main Line.
I don't think we'll ever get a consensus on this one - indeed "something else" brought a staggering variety of alternatives - many imaginative beyond belief. Sadly, this was a "just for fun" poll.
More serious stuff - the polls at
http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=19894.msg243151#msg243151 on the future of the fare system. We (all) have input opportunities there to a real consultation and I (for one) am finding the discussions helpful and informative on a pretty important subject. Sadly, others share my view of the constraints on that consultation , but I'm going to give my best throughs to it an will probably write them up for the "any comments" boxes, even if I suspect that most comments will just be filed in some dusty cabinet.