We do seem to be getting somewhere by simply turning up time after time over almost ten years in my own case, and trying to tailor our statements to current issues, if only in terms of personal trust and mutual respect with both officers and elected members.
Well I hope it won't just be me turning up on Friday!!! I don't think they listen to the usual suspects any more - but they do definitely like it when new faces - "real people" who actually live near the proposed rail stations - actually come.
Err ... I find that a it inconsistent. Or have I missed something?
The truth is probably somewhere between the two extremes. On one hand, respect and understanding is built up, and a re-assurance of continuity should the future be routed in the direction you advocate. But there is also an desire to see the wider support for what you're suggesting to double-clarify that you / we / whoever are not just noisy pressure groups who's volume is disproportionate to their size.
Yes - "they" like it when they get new (and strong and overwhelming) inputs in a particular direction. The wider base of inputs from both old hands and new helps decisions along where there's a real choice, and bearing in mind that those decisions really have to stack up and make the grade. And that latter is hugely difficult to achieve in suggestions put forward by interested and bright people - but people who don't and can't have the total picture prior to making their inputs.
I am - relieved - that the "red franchise" and "blue franchise" split proposed in the
GW» Franchise consultation has been decided against. Lots of reasons, amongst them I'm sure that there was a flood of inputs saying "no" to only a trickle saying "yes please"; had the balance of inputs been the other way, I suspect the decision would have been a different one. So these various inputs do make a difference. Look also at the Severn Beach line; as I recall, the service step to 3 trains every 2 hours was very much a community supported / suggested idea and it's worked a treat, and on my own local line I suspect we would not have had a service improvement without support displayed from the terriers amongst us who keep at it, and the greyhounds who sprint through - briefly seen between long periods of sleep, but there in the background at other times (I am writing this with a greyhound asleep - head on my feet!)