This appeared in the print edition of Fridays Metro. I'm struggling to find any similar articles online from a mainstream website though.
Thanks for that - I'll make the text findable here (via
FreeOCR) not that we're a mainstream website ... yet ...
Call for bus website like National Rail Enquiries
A WEBSITE and app giving bus passengers real-time travel information could be available under plans to force all firms to share data.
The Department for Transport [DfT» ] wants bus firms to provide information on routes, fares and timetables. developing a site equivalent to National Rail Enquiries. Bus data sharing has mostly been limited to bigger cities such as London, Birmingham and Manchester, where the Citymapper app helps passengers find the best routes.
The DfT may also call for audio and visual prompts on buses to assist the disabled and elderly.
The Bus Services Act requires data to be made available; this is perhaps about implementation. The Act was rushed through in the lead up to the last election, and although the act says "what", "how" has be be defined through executive orders.