Wot, no entry for dear old Port Zed ? You might get half a sandcastle out of a bucket if you really REALLY try !

You can reach it along rusty rails but no trains as yet !
Also missed out Severn Beach ...
It is often not know to people in the Bristol area, especially the younger ones, that Severn Beach was once a thriving, purpose built holiday destination. It's heydays were in the first half of the 20th century with the town offering open air lido, fun fair, parks, promenades and all the other aspects of an aspiring coastal resort. It's decline really commenced in the 1950 through to 1960s but some aspects of it's former self struggled through to the early 1970s. Indeed, a former girlfriend of mine remembered the Blue Lagoon lido from her childhood in the 1960s and only a few years back we took the train to The Beach to try and work out where everything was.
For anyone thinking I've confused today with April 1st, there are pictures of old Severn Beach viewable online.
That all said, while recommending
SB▸ these days for an interesting afternoon excursion, I would not suggest you pack a bucket and spade.
Edit: Found a pic online, see below.