The draft local plan includes the following new policy:
Policy LA 3 Swindon Railway Station
Redevelopment of the Swindon Railway Station and its adjacent car parks, as shown on the
policies map, is supported. Development proposals, whether delivered individually or
comprehensively, are required to comply with the following principles:
a. Comparison retail shall be of a scale and type to serve the needs of station users to avoid
undermining the role of the Primary Shopping Area.
b. The creation of a significant food and beverage cluster is also not supported in this location
because of its potential to detract from the function of Old Town and the Primary Shopping
Area. Food and beverage uses should be limited to the scale and type appropriate to serve
station users.
c. Development should create an additional public pedestrian link across the railway line from
north to south.
d. The provision of office and residential uses as part of the redevelopment will be supported.
Local Plan 2036 Development Management Policies Consultation Draft Swindon Borough Council 11
2 Local Site Allocations
e. Development should create a new landmark principal station façade to Station Road. A
new landmark façade would help reflect the importance of the railway to Swindon’s history.
Modern, innovative or daring design will be supported.
f. The quantum of car parking provided on surface should be reduced and re-provided in a
multi-storey car park, to enable a more efficient use of space and support the creation of
a more urban character.
There is an explanatory note as follows:
2.1.3 Land around Swindon railway station is predominantly occupied by surface car parking and
this lends the station a 'parkway' character that is not consistent with its town centre location. There
are clear opportunities to intensify the use of land around the station and deliver an upgraded station
which reflect the railway's prominence in Swindon's history, and the high level of use of the station
(with 3,679,242 entries and exits in 2017 and electrification likely to support further passenger numbers
Swindon Station has a large catchment area, much of it is poorly served by public transport, particularly in the evening (when many long distance travelers return). If Swindon Station is not allowed to be a 'Parkway Station' then there must be a major improvement in Public Transport or there must be a new Parkway station created to take its place.