Who in there right mind decided that all deliveries of the IET▸ trains would initially be 5-car units and not 9-car units?
The whole system is desperate for extra capacity, and to reduce capacity for 12-18 months is less than sensible..
No-one decided. I think this is what happened ...
9 car units
were to be first - electric trains ... but then when electrification fell behind and indeed has been curtailed, the order for them had to be modified to include diesel engines to make them bimode, which puts them behind the 5 car units in delivery as they were always going to be bimode ...
Not so. The franchise agreement set out the delivery timetable (copied from the
MARA▸ ):
5-car trains 25 May 2017 to 8 Feb 2018
9-car trains 15 Feb 2017 to 6 Jul 2018.
HSTs▸ had a variety of lease end dates, which
DfT» promised would be adjusted to match the deliveries (but they didn't even hint how). The HSTs were not then going on to another ToC, so no doubt it was easy to say that. Mind you, I'm not sure DfT have a legal right say that: we know they have
droit de signataire over new leases, but can they dictate whether stock is removed from lease altogether?
At that stage (March 2015) the
OLE▸ was going be largely complete for the Dec 2017 timetable, with only Swansea to follow. So there would be plenty of time on the first sections for all testing, and it made sense to leave the trains that would run to Swansea until last.
Of course, after that various things did get changed, with
GWR▸ having to countersign some of them. How much free choice they had in that I have no idea; nor (for example) when the HST withdrawal schedule was fixed, what were the IET delivery dates and OLE extent being promised at the same time?