Whilst waiting for a bus into Bristol yesterday I was gazing up at a gantry which had been installed for some weeks now on the operational overrun from Westerleigh Junction towards Yate station.
A seagull fluttered down and landed on the top of the gantry and then hopped down onto the lower ledge of the gantry and disappeared through one of the diamond holes in the RSJ▸ which forms part of this gantry and then I noticed there was what looked like a nest between the two RSJs forming the gantry. Then another flutter and it was a second seagull inside the gantry but not being "a twitter" I couldn't establish whether it was the first seagulls mate or a seagull chick which had been reared at that location. So engrossed in that activity I did'nt see my bus approaching and hurriedly put my hand out to stop the bus which luckily it did. Will keep an eye out for further activity but there is no likelihood of singed seagulls here cos there is no live wires at present.
Whilst walking to and waiting at the same stop this morning I noticed seagull activity on the same gantry, two adult birds on the top of gantry plus one hatched chick and then on the lower ledge of the RSJ was a second chick with the two adults squawking like mad as if saying, "flap yer wings and come and join us up here and see the view" but unfortunately the bus came and I was denied the sight of what may have been a "maiden flight".