More detailed plans for the Taunton station revamp, as well as the YMCA's project to refurbish and reopen the Great Western Hotel, have been revealed.
I missed this story when it was published last week hence it's a little too late to advertise the exhibition of the plans for the station, hotel, and the environs, which took place last Friday, 2nd November 2018.
Further details of the vision for the future of Taunton station can be read here: point to pick up from that article. Whilst
GWR▸ may have staged the exhibtion last Friday, it is not they who will be funding and building the car park, north side ticket office and other works. The car park will most likely be funded jointly by Network Rail and the local authorities - Somerset County Council and Taunton Deane Borough Council (TDBC). The station building works will be wholly Network Rail's remit. The hotel is being funded jointly by Somerset Coast YMCA and TDBC. The 'boulevard' plans linking the station with Firepool, Coal Orchard and ultimately the town centre are a long standing part of TDBC's 'Taunton Town Centre Area Action Plan', first drawn up in 2008. Funding for that is presumably from developers and TDBC.
JFDI▸ says I. The improved facilities are sorely needed. One sticking point is the stalled development of the former livestock market site on Priory Bridge Rd, derelict for 10 years since the market moved to a site near Bridgwater. The land is owned by TDBC, but there is currently no developer contract. The former contract with St Modwen, for a mixed use development - residential, retail and leisure - was ended earlier this year by mutual consent. This area would be part of the 'boulevard'. A new developer is not yet on board.