My post could be argued as harassing? Really? But if you say so I'm more than happy to argue why it wasn't. Perhaps the single tongue in cheek smiley was not enough to express the tone I was taking I'm my reply. I've added a couple more.
You quoted forum rules grahame. Allow me to as well:
b. Please try to cut down on the number of acronyms you use - we DO have an acronym page on which I try to list them all as they come up, but at times I get my GOSW» mixed up with my GOBLs▸ - so what must it do to the newcomers? If you introduce an acronym to make your post less verbose, please define it the first time in full
There is a difference between
request - and we request members to cut down the number of acronyms they use and
require - where we require members to not be ... harassing amongst other things. That's a "three line whip" versus a "one line whip" if you like.
It's all too easy to post and overlook things - requests, requirements, courtesy, how much load you put on the admin team who give their time for free, etc ... and the general approach of the forum is to gently point these things out - especially to newer members and occasional posters who can so easily overlook. Now that we've aired these issues on this thread (including noting how much moderator / admin time it's burning up), perhaps we should get back to the gist of this ticket splitting thread?
Split ticketing can make a substantial saving in fares, and is within the rules provided that each part of the split is valid and you catch a train that calls at the change-over station. The point being made was that if you hold a networker card (which as I understand it -
AIUI▸ ) gives you a discount in the London and South East Area, you can sometimes make a saving by using the card to buy a ticket up to the last Network South East station, and then an onward ticket, even if the sum of the normal (undercounted) tickets is more that a normal return.
Example was Blackwater to Swindon ... improved by a Blackwater to Didcot ticket on a Network South East card, and a Didcot to Swindon ticket undercounted.
Similar example Blackwater to Birmingham?
Also worth noting the more general principle that if you're starting a long journey in a peak, but carrying on well after the peak, it's worth looking into splitting with a peak ticket for the first part of the journey and an off peak for the second part, even if the sum of two (split) peak fares exceeds the price of a peak fare all the way.