Call for further improvements to the railway line between Barnstaple and Exeter
A train users group has called for more improvements to the rail service between Barnstaple and Exeter, including faster and more regular trains.
Tarka▸ Rail Association has submitted its views on a potential new First Great Western franchise for local rail services.
A Department for Transport document published in May gave details about the planned approach for the next franchise when the current one ends in September 2015. It stated First Great Western was awarded the last franchise, which was put in place in October 2013, with the expectation it would be awarded a second.
The association said it supported the proposal to award First Great Western the franchise, but wanted to see a number of improvements on the Barnstaple to Exeter line. These included higher speed trains, additional car parking at Umberleigh, Eggesford and Copplestone and an hourly service between 5.30am and midnight Monday to Saturday.
Other suggested improvements included better, faster and longer trains, the recognition of Barnstaple as a ^major railhead^, and the adaptation of a small number of older trains to be attached to service trains on Sundays and bank holidays to accommodate cyclists.
Association chairman John Burch said there had already been successes in securing extra capacity on trains at 7am and 4.57pm, which would come into effect from December 2014. But he said there were still gaps in the timetable which the association would like to see filled with extra services.
^There are a number of particular trains which are very heavily overloaded on a regular basis,^ he said. ^We would like to see an earlier departure from Barnstaple because the earliest is currently 7am.^
Mr Burch said the greatest frustration was persuading Network Rail to increase speed limits on the line.
North Devon Council leader Brian Greenslade said the council had held discussions with Exeter City Council about improvements to the line. ^One objective was to try and make it faster and more attractive to commute between the two,^ he said.
^I have also spoken to the chief executive of Devon County Council about the same issue and we hope we can lobby First Great Western to see what they can do to provide faster connections first thing in the morning and at tea time.^
First Great Western said it could not comment on the franchise beyond September 2015.