Our Coffee Shop concerns in the recent bad weather have been train focussed (hey - we're a rail forum) but there have been lots of issues on the buses too .. and one of the things that I've noted there is an (even greater ?) lack of joined up an current information. Our "Bus Queen" has been busy keeping people informed in her regions - posting reports from Berry's, FareSaver, First (multiple sub-companies) and Stagecoach - to help people know what is and isn't running and to help them decide - if they make it out - will they be able to get back.
http://favbug.blogspot.co.uk and also Facebook amongst other groups. And my personal "THANK YOU" too for expanding across the border into Wiltshire.
Two things strike me:
a) How community groups CAN work together across boundaries - we're seeing it more and more, both with linking up and helping each other like this, and our (TransWilts) links with other
CRPs▸ too. Companies look to a greater extent at protecting their own routes / markets / interests, and councils look to the benefits for their areas, but the communities can take a slightly wider look without loosing their focus.
b) That if we thought there was a bit of a problem in getting joined up rail information ... buses are much worser. The Bus Services Act of 2017 requires open data to be available. When and how will we have feeds available to us to produce maps and information pages covering all operators / all services at a particular point?