I wonder why it is that someone has to come to this forum to get answers like this (useful and informative though they are), rather than GWR▸ proactively issuing a communication in order that its customers (especially on the Cotswold line) can understand why the situation is how it is, rather than being kept in the dark?
Communication is a colossal "fail" within GWR.
Because 90% of the customers only want 10% of the answers? We here are the 10% who seek the 90% - other put their hands over there ears at too much information!
Graham I'd love to know how you reach that conclusion.
and yet
GHenerally I may agree, but which type of train turns up on which day?
Nah, at least 95% won't want to know in advance as long as it's on time & they get a seat, which along the Cotswold Line, they probably would.
My guestimate comes from talking to people - lots and lots of people over the years - and seeing how far their interest goes when explaining changes, reasons, etc. If a train is cancelled they want to know what's the alternative (or what's being done for them). Whether it's a faulty point, lack of crew or an exploding pidgeon is of no consequence to 9 out of 10 - there is a little more engagement if it's 'person hit by train' and more willingness to accept consequential delays.
The engagement with bus users is even more extreme at times.
Notwithstanding your loyalty to GWR, it's not only people in this forum who want information - paying customers are entitled to know (for example on the Cotswold Line) why their services are cancelled/shortformed/terminated short day after day and the onus sits firmly with the service provider to inform them.
GWR weren't shy about spouting off about the thousands of extra seats and spending a fortune on twee advertising campaigns making promises that they haven't been able to keep - having raised those expectations, it's now incumbent upon them to explain why they haven't matched them.
The best companies front up when things go wrong, explain why, what they have learned and what they are doing by way of resolution/mitigation, and in that way they gain respect.
I agree with you. Doesn't mean that everyone wants to know it all, but that should not stop the information being freely, openly, timoeously and honestly provided where it's easy to find. Which is rarely the case at present.
I don't see a lot of that from GWR ...
Perhaps that's why we get such a large number of search engine arrivals at the forum ... it may just be the 5% or 10% who want to know ... but much of it ain't available elsewhere. As a
CRP▸ we hope (often forlornly) to be alerted and informed - but even for us the jungle telegraph of the forum and other sources tells us ... filled when we question things with an email that starts " and firstly my apologies for not informing you ..."; I haven't had one of those since yesterday.
Not all bleak - on that front, even as I write, an incoming email "I just thought I ought to contact you both, regarding our ongoing problems " ... THANK YOU - you know who you are.