Not only is the new safety announcement, currently to be heard on all London buses, slightly patronising for anyone who has, say, used any form of wheeled transportation before, but it suffers from a technical fault. Passengers are treated to a rendition of “Please hold on, the bus is about to move” repeatedly throughout their journey, regardless of whether the bus is actually about to move or not.
TfL» really think buses need yet another announcement to break up the monotony of a bus journey, here are few bits of advice we think some people could really do with an occasional reminder about:
1) “Passengers sat on the aisle next to an empty seat in an attempt to claim as much personal space as possible are invited to get off the bus and hail a taxi instead.”
2) “Passengers sat on the aisle next to an empty seat across from a friend who has done the same are invited to get off the bus and jump into the nearest canal.”
3) “Passengers are reminded that sitting next to the only person on an otherwise empty bus is weird and creepy.”
4) “Unless they’re sitting at the front, which is fair game, let’s be honest.”
5) “If you just heard a ‘ding’, someone has pressed the ‘stop’ button. Pressing it again won’t somehow cause the bus to stop more.”
6) “Seriously, would it help if we told you the bus explodes if it goes ‘ding’ more than three times in a minute?”
7) “There are seats available on the upper deck of this bus. Go up there and sit down so the bus won’t sail past the poor gits standing at the next stop in the pissing rain, you utter bastards.”
“Sorry chaps, if your willy is so big you need to spread your legs across two seats, it has to have a valid
Oyster▸ card.”
9) “Stop trying to make eye contact with strangers. This is LONDON.”
10) “Oh my god seriously leave that person alone they don't want to talk to you they just want to get home and cook sausages.”
11) “Tourists: getting on the bus solely to ask the driver to explain how to get to Big Ben while everyone else is late for work will often offend. Especially at a bus stop in Parliament Square.”
12) “Anyone eating anything more substantial than a Twix is required to offer all the other passengers a bit first.”
13) “Anyone drinking alcohol is reminded that not only is it now illegal, but it will make anyone who isn't extremely jealous.”
14) “If you were listening to your piss-awful music through headphones instead of that crappy phone speaker you probably wouldn’t even be able to hear this annoying announcement.”
15) “Don’t stand on the stairs getting in the way, or if you do at least have the decency to fall down them so we can all have a good laugh.”
16) “Passengers considering having a loud and lengthy phone conversation should first rectally insert their handsets.”
17) “You. Yes, you. Everyone knows it was you that held up the bus fumbling around in your bag for your Oyster card and now wants you to die.”
18) “Chin up everyone, there is always at least a very slight chance that everything will be okay.”
19) “We apologise for the delay. It’s mainly down to all these dicks who think driving a car through central London is a good idea.”
20) “Please, can you all just stop being dicks, all the time.”
21) “Could the red-faced weirdo please stop getting so uptight about what other people do on the bus, you’ll do yourself an injury mate.”