Anyone ask her how many of those 273 were already under the care of the NHS? No, thought not.
The nature of mental illness means many can't be fully treated and will find ways out of their troubles. Unfortunately, the NHS can't successfully treat everyone & thus ought not to be used in the fashion she does here.
The thing is, it isn't just the NHS that can help. All of us can in our own way.
Talk to your friends, be there if they seem a bit down. Believe me (coming from "the other side"), it helps.
There is a reason why suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in the
UK▸ - too often men find they can't talk about feelings / emotions with friends, that they just need to "man up" - but that exact attitude is what ends with men killing themselves.
the number of people, I know (work colleagues and friends etc) who have had mental health issues surprised me. Just knowing it is a common illness helps ease the taboo around talking about it.