Where is ET when you need him.....
The requirements are laid out in
EU» law (EN 50388:2012) and placed into
UK▸ requirements by the Rail Standards and Safety Board.
NR» don't have much say in that (other than being a consultee during the standards production process). The requirements are mandated in
RSSB▸ standard GL/RT1210 and GL/GN1610.
EN 50388:2012 is NOT produced by the EU NOR is it the law! It is the a European Standard, produced by CENELEC (a committee of national standards bodies of which the British Standards Institution (
BSI▸ ) is the UK member) and its status is just the same as a British Standard, because that is what it is in the UK (it is published by BSi as BS EN 50388:2012).
It only becomes the law if a legislator writes a law saying you have to comply with it.
Since it is considered good practice if you don'e comply with it and cannot show good reason why not they you might be open to a civil action for damages from any injured party. In this case a risk assessment was done and so NR can demonstrate that they do not need to fully comply with this standard in this instance.
The RSSB's reference to it might give it more weight, but I will leave ET to comment on that.