Consultation Question 1a) To what extent do you agree or disagree with these objectives, and why? – Agree with the objectives
– Agree with the majority
– Disagree with the majority
– Wholly disagree
b) Are there any priorities you would change or add, and if so why?
Explanatory textTaking account of the opportunities and challenges outlined above, and the Government’s objectives for transport more generally, we propose the following core objectives for the Great Western franchise in the 2020s:
●● Provide safe, punctual and reliable services with enough seats and space for people who want to use them;
●● Focus on the needs of the travelling public to provide an excellent and continually-improving customer experience for all passengers, whatever their particular needs and abilities;
●● Maximise the benefits for passengers from the current transformational investment in the Great Western railway network;
●● Maximise the contribution of the railway to driving local and regional economic growth, enabling planned growth in housing, and meeting the wider needs of citizens and society across the whole of the franchise area;
●● Be a responsible employer who invests in the welfare and the development of its workforce, motivating staff and equipping them with the right skills to provide the best possible customer service;
●● Strengthen the connection between the railway and the communities it serves, supported by strong relationships with all those who have an interest in the franchise and the services it provides;
●● Continue to improve the environmental performance of the railway and support wider environmental objectives by providing an attractive alternative to more polluting modes, and improving measures such as energy and water consumption and recycling;
●● Develop close collaborative working with Network Rail and other partners, bringing the operation of track and train closer together to deliver the best possible service for passengers and drawing in funding from the widest possible range of sources;
●● Work with the Government and other agencies to support the development and delivery of other major rail investment schemes, such as the proposed western rail link to Heathrow, East-West Rail and the interface with
HS2▸ at Old Oak Common; and
●● Operate efficiently, providing best value for taxpayers’ and passengers’ money, thereby ensuring the maximum possible resources are available for further service improvements.
See for the background to this topic