This has caused me to recalibrate my understanding (not for the first time on this forum, which is one of the things I like about being here!). I thought that one of the big advantages of pure electric trains was their lighter weight, but if a motor-generator set weighs broadly the same as a step-down transformer then where is the weight saving?
....but the
MTU▸ mg set produces 700kW, perhaps 560kW at rail, whereas the transformer and inverter will produce ten times that, roundly. A 9 car 802 probably has a mass of c400t, so the diesels probably add c10% to that. Power used at higher speeds is more related to turbulence than weight related rolling resistance, so I don't think that the engines will be noticed.
IEP▸ 's will enjoy greater success the more OHLE that they use. Without the wires they will be as under-performing, expensive and high maintenance as other diesels, needing constant ecs trips to refuelling points.
About 15MW is the max you could get out of the
OLE▸ , at that rate of 600A for to long things will get a bit warm, typically the max power from the OLE is 6MW, even at this level the pathing of trains in electical sections becomes important, you cannot have too many 6MW trains in the same electrical section