« Reply #1905 on: July 10, 2019, 10:54:23 » |
During a break at Grahame's meeting at Westbury some of us had an interesting and informal chat with the Senior Lady from GWR▸ (whom we were delighted to see at the meeting, and whose name I forget). At the time I thought that all of her answers to questions were logical, (courteous) and 'off the cuff' except for one response which seemed pre-scripted - "you can give up any idea of seeing buffets reinstated".
« Reply #1906 on: July 10, 2019, 11:03:48 » |
Another point to avoid wiggle room/ irrelevant replies. When referring to short formed IETs▸ it would be well to stress that this refers to use of a single 5 car unit, when 9 or 10 should have been provided. This avoids the standard reply, "we do use the flexibility inherent in our new train fleet to sometimes run a 9 car train instead of a 10 car, this provides almost the same number of seats" Which is true but not relevant to the real issue of half length new trains.
A proper intercity train has a minimum of 8 coaches, gangwayed throughout, with first at one end, and a full sized buffet car between first and standard. It has space for cycles, surfboards,luggage etc. A 5 car DMU▸ is not a proper inter-city train. The 5+5 and 9 car DMUs are almost as bad.
« Reply #1907 on: July 10, 2019, 11:21:16 » |
At the time I thought that all of her answers to questions were logical, (courteous) and 'off the cuff' except for one response which seemed pre-scripted - "you can give up any idea of seeing buffets reinstated".
And I believe that will always be the case. I think in the main people prefer seats to buffets.
« Reply #1908 on: July 10, 2019, 11:53:45 » |
I think in the main people prefer seats to buffets.
Any chance of "thumbs down" emoticon to the opposite of the "like" button please? 
Personal opinion only. Writings not representative of any union, collective, management or employer. (Think that absolves me...........) 
Global Moderator
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Posts: 6629
The artist formerly known as Four Track, Now!
« Reply #1909 on: July 10, 2019, 12:08:02 » |
During a break at Grahame's meeting at Westbury some of us had an interesting and informal chat with the Senior Lady from GWR▸ (whom we were delighted to see at the meeting, and whose name I forget). At the time I thought that all of her answers to questions were logical, (courteous) and 'off the cuff' except for one response which seemed pre-scripted - "you can give up any idea of seeing buffets reinstated".
So we can tell broadgage that it hasn't been ruled out completely.
Now, please!
« Reply #1910 on: July 10, 2019, 12:31:40 » |
A cynic might suggest that telling Broadgage to 'give up an idea' might fall on deaf ears. 
To view my GWML▸ Electrification cab video 'before and after' video comparison, as well as other videos of the new layout at Reading and 'before and after' comparisons of the Cotswold Line Redoubling scheme, see:
« Reply #1911 on: July 10, 2019, 13:29:40 » |
At the time I thought that all of her answers to questions were logical, (courteous) and 'off the cuff' except for one response which seemed pre-scripted - "you can give up any idea of seeing buffets reinstated".
And I believe that will always be the case. I think in the main people prefer seats to buffets. Translation "you can give up any idea of seeing buffets re-instated WHILST WE ARE IN CHARGE" GWR▸ have put a lot of trouble and effort into trying to persuade us that buffets are no longer wanted. Any return of buffets would be seen as a climb down or as an admission of defeat. A future operator might however fit buffets. It would be an easy win for a new operator to enhance their popularity. As to the old argument that people want seats rather than buffets, what about the IETs▸ on non GWR routes ? These DO have buffets and I have not heard of any significant calls to remove the buffets to provide a few more seats. I also believe that a significant minority of passengers would stand THROUGH CHOICE in a decent sized buffet, if in convivial company and taking refreshment, just as many people stand through choice in a public house. I recall the crowds standing through choice in the buffet cars on the Wessex Electrics, back in the good old days.
A proper intercity train has a minimum of 8 coaches, gangwayed throughout, with first at one end, and a full sized buffet car between first and standard. It has space for cycles, surfboards,luggage etc. A 5 car DMU▸ is not a proper inter-city train. The 5+5 and 9 car DMUs are almost as bad.
« Reply #1912 on: July 10, 2019, 14:08:23 » |
It's possible, but not likely in my opinion, whilst the DfT are really in charge. A change of operator won't change that.
To view my GWML▸ Electrification cab video 'before and after' video comparison, as well as other videos of the new layout at Reading and 'before and after' comparisons of the Cotswold Line Redoubling scheme, see:
« Reply #1913 on: July 10, 2019, 14:57:08 » |
I think in the main people prefer seats to buffets.
Any chance of "thumbs down" emoticon to the opposite of the "like" button please?  Let's see what comes when the software's updated. As it stands the current "like" system is something I have cobbled together and will need re-implementing if the main new software updates or patches don't include it ... will thinks about "like", "dislike", "sad", "love", "haha", "sympathy", "jealous" and "tired of subject".
Coffee Shop Admin, Chair of Melksham Rail User Group, TravelWatch SouthWest Board Member
Robin Summerhill
« Reply #1914 on: July 10, 2019, 16:22:53 » |
I think in the main people prefer seats to buffets.
Any chance of "thumbs down" emoticon to the opposite of the "like" button please?  Let's see what comes when the software's updated. As it stands the current "like" system is something I have cobbled together and will need re-implementing if the main new software updates or patches don't include it ... will thinks about "like", "dislike", "sad", "love", "haha", "sympathy", "jealous" and "tired of subject". I don't know what all this has got to do with " IETs▸ into passenger service, "but as you've both started...  I don't have a problem with like and dislike - that is fairly standard as on Youtube for example - but taking it any further is another issue. Even like and dislike has potential implications; too many "dislikes" against a post may make a poster think twice about posting, or indeed whether they want to continue posting on the forum at all. That could be bad for the site's traffic. But there is one on that list which, in my view, is an absolute no-no. If someone is "tired of subject" then the answer is already to hand - stop reading it and leave it to others who are interested in the subject.
« Reply #1915 on: July 10, 2019, 16:55:10 » |
Unfortunately, this is a wide ranging subject so it's possible to be tired only by one aspect of it. I really do think IET▸ catering should only be discussed in the dedicated catering topic so that those of us bored to tears by the subject can ignore it and get on with discussing IET operation and performance here.
"Good news for regular users of Euston Station in London! One day they will die. Then they won't have to go to Euston Station ever again." - David Mitchell
« Reply #1916 on: July 10, 2019, 17:20:07 » |
The latter ideas were tongue in cheek. Like - YES - "approve of post / feel negative/sad about what it talks about" - shortened to "dislike" usually - maybe. Others - not so sure. When I first implemented the "like", consideration was given to how many levels to add - decision (and I think the right one at the time and perhaps now) was very few levels.
Coffee Shop Admin, Chair of Melksham Rail User Group, TravelWatch SouthWest Board Member
Global Moderator
Hero Member
Posts: 6629
The artist formerly known as Four Track, Now!
« Reply #1917 on: July 10, 2019, 20:05:29 » |
I recall the crowds standing through choice in the buffet cars on the Wessex Electrics, back in the good old days.
I used to drink heavily on rail journeys, too.
Now, please!
« Reply #1918 on: July 10, 2019, 20:10:17 » |
I don’t need a rail journey to drink heavily. .....oh sorry wrong thread. 
« Reply #1919 on: July 10, 2019, 23:08:46 » |
Most of my rail journeys seem to make a drink afterwords a good idea, not been on a IET▸ yet, lets hope they have the same effect even if on time, full length and woroking on electric.