I travelled from London down to Bristol and then back to Chippenham. (See some earlier photos up the thread) Obviously, judging by reports, I chose the better of the two trains to be on.
Certainly on board they make for a comfortable journey. The seats are firm, which some might find uncomfortable, but they were ok for me.
Each pair of seats has two power points under the arm-rests which is better than between the seats in front of you as on an
HST▸ . Not only easier to reach but won't be used as a footrest and thus broken.
Most seats have a proper window view. There are a few at the end of a carriage which have no view at all and some others with only a partial one. The only thing I don't really like are the window shades. They are similar to the ones on the Voyagers where they cover more than one set of seats, so you'll have to bargain with the person sitting behind you if you want the blind down or up.
I didn't count the number of tables in a standard class coach but it is certainly more than an HST.
First class has bigger tables and more room

I did see several people knock their heads on the overhead rack when getting up from their seats. Also at the end of each train the gangway to the front and rear carriage has a lower headroom. The floor does slope slightly to compensate - but it is another thing to look out for.

Some work is needed on the external signage

The photo actually highlights the text above each element of the display - but on the platform you can hardly see it and 09:30 Bath Spa isn't very intuitive when you are at Bristol Temple Meads wanting the 09:30 to Paddington. Hopefully they can make the Time and Next Stop text stand out a bit more.
There is also no exterior signage showing where cyclists should board with their non folding bicycles. There was one report of a person trying to join the driver in the cab with one!
Also the first door after the driver's door is for the kitchen and so not for passenger use - but it isn't marked as such.

On both trips we did lose time at stations while people got used to the doors (and which ones they could use).
Heading down to Bristol we had an extra delay at Chippenham when it was realised the rear three coaches wouldn't be platformed at Bath and a couple of bicycles had to be moved down the platform ready to alight at the next stop. Once at Bath there was another delay while those in the rear three (the majority of standard class in the rear five car train) had to walk through to get off. As people become more familiar with the trains hopefully they won't sit at the back of the train if they want Bath.
In standard class the trolley duly came through and people made use of it

Seems the trolleys belong to Hitachi rather than
GWR▸ too

The ride was smooth. I didn't detect when we switched from the overhead to diesel at Maidenhead and we arrived early into Reading on the down trip.
Needless to say a lot of Hitachi and GWR managers on board the train.
Also one local
BBC» Radio reporter doing vox pops of passengers. Her first question to the person sitting opposite me - "Is this the first time you have travelled on one of these trains?"