Probably others would disagree but I just found her arrogant. Every time someone tried to tell her how bad the service is, she said "yes, I know all the problems, I know lots of people round here, I used to work on trains" etc. Why bother coming out if you're not going to listen?
Just shut up, pay attention, look contrite, and don't pretend you can make a difference.
I beg to differ - if its the same one I spoke to before christmas
Pointed out that there were no longer any saleables on the
FC‡ trolley and since FC have to queue with SC - by the time we get to the front its often sold out and you are standing until reading.
She agreed it was off - the next week there were saleables and if there arent, the trolley dollies go fetch for you - if agency they take the money, get the buffet to ring it up and make change and then return with the goods and change.
Works well now.