There has not been much comment around Frome about this pending change (early days) but I do expect that louder voices will appear for Frome calls once the framework becomes more widely known. High powers that be please note the latent demand.
There is scope for significant input for 2019 during this Autumn. Not sure where to start.
Frome is a Heart of Wessex
CRP▸ station and they have been polled for inputs, as have Wiltshire Council, on both the principles of timetable design at and a separate sheet of flows (direct and connections) that the community wants to protect / nurture. The nature of the beast looks like the timetable planners will be putting the the main artery services at clock face (perhaps not quite so regular as you might expect, though) and then seeing how the secondary main lines and then the rest can fit round them. Suggest you talk with Heart of Wessex, or if you're on the station CRP team of theirs, bring it up.
Frome also is treated as an honorary member of the West Wilts Rail User Group. Are you on their committee? Do you know any committee members? Regular meetings tend to be single talks of interest, so it's unlikely on historic form that that'll hold a special meeting / discuss it at public meeting - but you could ask. In any case, they have a meeting (19:00 tomorrow evening, Civic Hall, Warminster)
Frome is not a TransWilts Station ... except that we do have a through service to / from Swindon each day, a number of commuters between Frome and Melksham / Chippenham / Swindon, special "via Melksham" fares, and economically it has far closer ties with Wiltshire and Trowbridge than with Somerset and Taunton. So the TransWilts team feel a "duty of care" for our mutual good, and that's extended to some crosswork behind the scenes.
WSW Frome - are you a member of a group that's a
TWSW» member? There will be a thread there on the 2018/19 timetable, and also the pre-consultation and consultation as to what goes into the next greater western franchise. You should also be involving your local passenger transport authority - Somerset County Council - and ensuring they know your views.
I'm aware "Frome Rail Users" on Facebook - are you linked with that - and know the FAVbug bus group / co-ordination might be rather useful if not already under way.
With my TWSW hat on, I feel fairly well informed on the jigsaw pieces for the 2018 timetable (potentially some big changes), 2019 timetable (other big changes for sure) and for the timetable in the next franchise. Happy to talk them through with you before or after tomorrow's
WWRUG» meeting if you're there / introduce yourself (if I don't already know the face behind the name here!) or to talk them through at another date. At present it's like planning for a wedding - knowing who has to be there, who you would like there in addition, and having to work out the seating - but not publishing early ideas because elements will upset people, and they'll change anyway.