I was going to get that back home to Bath today.
Thank god I didn't!
As a slight point, National Rail dropped a clanger with the journey planner for this service today - it was being diverted via Eastleigh due to engineering works around St Denys. In my dozy state this morning I tapped in Christchurch -> Bath Spa and it told me to change at Eastleigh. Fine I thought, it must be diverting via Chandler's Ford as has been done before. But oh no, after Eastleigh it went via Airport Parkway to Soton Central where it carried on the normal route. So I went to Eastleigh and back rather pointlessly.....

And, why oh why oh why on a Sunday does the slow
SWT▸ Poole train arrive at Soton 1 minute before the
FGW▸ Cardiff train departs thus you having to wait an hour to connect, that is 10mins on Mon-Sat!