... because of an accident on the main road out of the town towards the M5 and Bristol. This kind of event often has a knock-on effect over the wider area ...
commendably restrained rant on that incident is quite understandable, trainer.
And it's not just 'accidents' on the road approaching that M5 Junction 19 roundabout that cause delays.
Last summer, driving my delivery van from Portishead into Bristol on a Tuesday evening in the rush hour, I noted a couple of cars, stationary, in lane four at the traffic lights up ahead. No, not a collision, but the front car having run out of fuel, had brought other things to somewhat of a stop.
Having assessed the situation, I took the rather pragmatic approach of positioning my large and highly visible Mercedes Sprinter van in the middle of lane four, with sidelights and hazard warning lights activated, while I alighted in my high-viz and assisted the driver of the second car in pushing the immobilised car onto the offside verge. Within a couple of minutes, we had at least removed the obstruction and enabled rush-hour traffic to move again onto the roundabout.
And, to her credit, the driver of that marooned car did visit our Portishead branch the following day to offer thanks 'to her anonymous rescuer'.