I still cannot fathom why HSTs▸ with all their capabilities are going to being used to pootle between Plymouth and Penzance whilst areas such as the Cotswold Line are having to cram people onto 3 car Turbos for peak services where HSTs are needed and have traditionally been used (that's assuming there is anyone to drive them of course).
A direct swap for the rest of this year (that's 2 weeks) is probably out because:
* Few if any Cornishmen know how to drive a Turbo
* Turbos are too wide of the narrow
lanes tracks of Devon and Cornwall
Come the new year ....
1. Electric trains take over Maidenhead to Didcot
2. Released turbos take over Bristol locals such as to Worcester, Westbury and Weymouth
3. Released 150s go to the Cornish Main Line
4. HSTs on any local Cornish work can go the the North Cotswold line
5. Further released turbos can move to services such as Cardiff to Portsmouth
6. Released 158s can head out further west.