After the wifi roll out I pointed out to GWR▸ that it was unusable only to be told their commitment was to install wifi on the trains - which they have done. The problem is now that the track side connections aren't good enough so need to be upgraded. Passing the buck..
Not at all. The connections are via mobile signals - 3G and possibly 4G. If you can't get any reception on your phone, the wifi won't work either. Do we say its passing the buck if your phone has no reception down the Berks & Hants? wifi is the same.
Blackspots exist between
PAD» and Reading, never mind the wilds of the Berks & Hants and elsewhere. THe only guarantee of coverage would be line-side connectors. If the telecom giants thought that there was money to be made, they'd be quick to install them.
TOCs▸ can't.
NR» could share some of their bandwidth I guess but as they've looked at this & nothing 's come forward, I suspect there's a good reason for not doing so.
If you really *need* wifi, get yourself a dongle - but even that won't give bandwidth where there is none to be had. Satellite connections would be far better, but boy, they're expensive per connection. Until at least 5G comes along, there is no way to provide 500+ on a peak train with one decent connection each. I think education of this is needed.
I've seen someone with a work laptop, personal tablet & a phone!
And you were so nosy you ascertained that this person had connected all three devices to the onboard wifi? How did you categorically confirm this selfishness?
If you did categorically confirm they'd connected all three devices to the onboard wifi may I make a suggestion? Stop snooping. Mind your own business.
FFS▸ . More *assumptions* from someone who used to be a Mod. One can see why you'd not get an invite back, eh?
I was with a colleague?
I was with a friend?
we'd struck up a conversation and I was being shown the possibility?
There are others, but these'll do for the purpose.
But you're right - not for me to tell them what I think the rules ought to be....but that doesn't stop me commenting here about it without being in any way nosey....
If I'd made that comment in reverse, you'd have reported it - so think before posting late at night please.
And you've never commented here on conversations you've overheard? the recent thread about others watching porn? I didn't see you call them 'nosey', did you? Same thing. Either you accepted that you can't help but see others laptops, or they're being nosey. Consistency please.