A big "Thank You" to everyone who came along to what may turn out to have been the inaugural meeting of Pewsey Vale Rail Users Group. We expected a dozen, hoped for a couple of dozen ... but there must have been somewhere between 40 and 50 people in the hall. And really concerned and interested people with a very wide range of issues, questions, agendas, thoughts. The $64,000 question - "do we want some form of local user group" got an emphatic "yes", and TransWilts (who seeded this inaugural meeting, fertilised with much local help) are sponsoring / helping with the next steps. Far too much to do in one meeting ... far too many questions, and people need to think on what they heard. So - first thing - date of next meeting, please put 11th May 2018 at 19:00 in your diary. Bouverie Hall booked, and all welcome.
What did I come away with? A feeling of real engaging interest, some anger, worry, upset, frustration. But also a feeling of "lets move this forward" and an appreciation that at times there are no easy / perfect solutions for everyone, and a desire to work positively and (for the most part!) pragmatically forward.
Issues / elements split - in my thoughts - into five elements that we talked about:
1. Immediate individual customer issues
2. Short term systemic issues
3. Setting up the user groups and mechanisms forward
4. Learning more about how all this stuff fits together to be effective in requests and realistic in aspirations
5. Medium and longer term directions and goals
Looking further ...
1. Immediate individual customer issuesThese need to be dealt with as they occur by
GWR▸ staff, answered at stations or referred through GWR customer services for the most part. Twitter and Facebook to @GWRHelp are also very useeful and quick to respond. Exceptionally, a Rail User Group or
CRP▸ when well established will have informal links to help (re)make a failed connection.
2. Short term systemic issues"Little things that can make a big difference". At present especially relevant to engineering disruption for 2018 - a couple of things in bus patterns especially from Pewsey to Newbury, and information flows ans sources. Key follow up from last night - Rob Thomas; also follow up via myself (Graham Ellis). But note - do not expect short term miracles. Much is set in stone ans the engineeirng closures, etc "must" be done as planned otherwise there is massive negative knock on. Explanations, yes; changes - just the odd one where it's easy to do and won't bring in new problems / issues
3. Setting up the user groups and mechanisms forward
4. Learning more about how all this stuff fits together to be effective in requests and realistic in aspirationsThese two are for 11th May - and I have some work to do to prepare. There is a great deal of precedent, good practise and information out there - it needs to be filtered and tuned for Pewsey. As a starter, there's an old description of who's who in rai organisations at
http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=5343.0 ...
5. Medium and longer term directions and goalsThis is where a user group can be really effective. Having had a short term / immediate engineering issues representative of GWR at yesterday's meeting, we asked for a medium / longer term person next time so that we can address those issues too. The rail industry isn't totally uninformed about what's needed / wanted for Pewsey and the rest of the line - so there's already some oil on the wheels. For the "medium term" - looking at timetables for 2019, for example - I (Graham Ellis) take the TransWilts lead. For the longer term strategy, it's Paul Johnson. That's as we help seed and grow whatever it is the Pewsey group wants to set up; as things progress theough the next months, our involvement / help is there as needed, but needs to some extent to be faded (or financed) as a Pewsey and / or line specific group / CRP evolves.
As on 7th April ... please let me know ( via grahamellis @ transwilts.org ) matters / questions for GWR on 11th May, or indeed any short term elements not brought up yesterday. If those matters are with me by 14th April, it gives me a good chance to correlate the questions and feed them through our GWR, Wiltshire Council or own paths.
Finally - big "Thank You" to Rob, Paul, Bob and Horace, Steve and Bill for coming along to the meeting and all their help in seeding the group from outside their home station areas. To Dawn and Colin, John and Richard, Susie, Trevor and Dan for their help within the Vale. And to everyone who came along on Friday evening, or who emailed in ahead of time to pass in comments or questions.
Documents / presentations from last night:
http://atrebatia.info/pewseyusers.pdf - poster advertising event
http://atrebatia.info/pewsey_overview_20180406.pdf - evenng program and link slides (Graham)
http://atrebatia.info/pewsey_keynote_20180406.pdf - Keynote / CRP / TransWilts / Pewsey Vale (Paul)
http://atrebatia.info/pewsey_initial_20180406.pdf - Initial comments on questions mailed in (Graham)
A note to new readers of the Coffee Shop ... I tend to have too much to do and too little time, so for logs like this I concentrate on getting the data out to an understandable level rather than totally grammatically correct - please overlook any typos and consider the content. For official documents, I do proof read and tune ... but I need to get on to 2019 timetable issues now ...