Ever get the feeling you are being watched? My previous post was made at 2257 and I changed my forum signature straight after.
At 2307 the following email lands in my inbox:
Dear Mr ******
I am writing regarding your claim for compensation that we received on 05/07/2017 following your delayed journey with Great Western Railway.
I can confirm your claim is now processed and a payment of £50.00 has been issued in the form of cheque. If it’s not already with you, it will be very shortly and should not take longer than 2 weeks to arrive.
Please accept my apologies for the time taken to handle your claim. We have experienced some high contact volumes, but despite that we aim for a faster response than you have experienced.
Should you have a query please contact our Customer Support team on 03457 000 125 (available between 0600 and 2300, 7 days a week) quoting the reference number at the top of this email and we’ll be happy to help.
Thank you for your time and for travelling with GWR▸ .
Yours sincerely
***** ****
Customer Support Manager
Great Western Railway
Now, I've had dealings with ***** ****, Customer Support Manager, before. Catalogued elsewhere on this forum, viewable to established members. Those dealings included a face to face meeting with said
CSM▸ after some shockingly poor treatment by FGW (as was) front line staff. To receive an email from him (from the general GWR Customer Service address, but late at night, and personally signed), immediately after a post critical of GWR can be no coincidence.
So, hello *****. I hope you are taking onboard the criticisms in this thread, and in the press, and doing something about them. In truth, I hope you are regretting the decision to hand over one of the most important parts of any business, customer services, to the woeful outfit that is Crapita.
I hadn't made any follow up query as to the status of my claim from early July, nor complained about a delay in paying compensation. It was only made on 7th July 2017 and five weeks is nothing compared to some of the waits people have had for a meaningful response from GWR Customer Services. As catalogued here and in the press.
I now feel guilty that, because I'm "known" to GWR Customer Services, I've been given preferential treatment.
Now, that cheque. I've moved since I made the claim. So there will have to be a phone call to Customer Services tomorrow. Hopefully not yet issued. And again, some guilt that I'll have to name drop when quoting the email.
To those still waiting a meaningful response. I empathise. And please don't hate me for what seems like queue jumping. Neither sought nor wanted.
Oh and *****. This forum is open to everyone. You have the right to reply.