Twice a year, TravelWatch SouthWest holds a general meeting for public transport user and campaign groups and specialist organisations, together with public transport and related local and central government related representatives from across or concern with the South West - that's Dorset, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, and counties and unitary authorities to the South West thereof.
Places are limited / event is by invite, usually for one person from each organisation. New organisations and interested individuals also welcome. It's a chance to network, and TravelWatch SouthWest attracts speakers who typically don't do the rounds of the various groups, who will often speak candidly; it's very much about helping everyone understand everyone else's needs, motivation, modus operandii ..
From my invite just received:
This General Meeting also provides a vital preparation ground for generating effective responses to anticipated Public Consultations for both Bus and Rail. Among the current themes are open access; vertical integration; re-letting of franchises and the possibility of new franchises; and Government aspirations for fair ticketing, accessibility, and consumer protection. With this in mind, we are welcoming Sir Peter Hendy (the Chair of Network Rail) and Jag Maitala (of the Passenger Services Directorate in the Department for Transport and lead officer on the South Western Railway franchise competition) as key speakers, with extended periods for questions and discussion. Additionally, this meeting features an examination of new "garden" settlements as sustainable transport opportunities in the region and, an insight into the revival of Public Transport in Wiltshire.
Many groups / members who visit the Coffee Shop will also have had this email invite; if
you haven't and feel this event would be useful for you as a group or interested individual with deep interest, please let me know and I'll see what I can do -
TWSW» was fantastically helpful to our naive "Save the Train" team when we started up, and unlike certain other "clubs" has no high hurdle for newcomers to jump before they can join - TWSW is available when you need it, not after you've learned so much you don't really need it any more!