Its not so much HSS▸ that are short of stock, and whatever the arguement Adelantes on Ports-Cardiff cannot be done with a click of a finger. In all fairness to FGW▸ .
We have 2x150/1s along with an additional 153 and loads more units that some stupid idiot at the government says.
Devon Metro is right Adelantes couldn't just be switched to Portsmouth Cardiff becuase of the need to train the drivers either on the stock or the route or both. However, it it has also been known for months that they were going to be coming off lease and that the Protsmouth Cardiff route was short of stock and there wasn't anything suitable available (156/8s). So with a little bit of thought somebody might have put the two problems together and got an answer of approximately 4.
Whilst the Adelante might not be ideal, a couple of units doing the peak runs would solve the overcrowding problem. Also it should be possible to arrange a lease that ensures the
ROSCO» always provides the units using the pool of off lease units as working spares. It would be up to the ROSCO to work out how many units it would need to keep spare, However the reliability of the units in service would increase dramatically because a fault could always be fixed properly by using one of the spare units whilst the broken one was out of action.