Travelling by train yesterday from ... well, never mind where from at the moment, I was struck by the sign above.
The young gentleman seated at the table about 4 sets of seats up was clear trying to impress the young lady seated beside him, talking in a loud voice about garlic sauce, and the different types and ways to make it, and which is best. I'll confess to not being an expert (nor having a great interest) in garlic sauce, so my mind strayed to the sign which only tells people to keep the noise to a minimum when using the mobile phone, so I guess that telling the whole world (well - half a carriage) about Garlic Sauce, as it's not into a mobile but rather to the object of his flirtation is OK.
Another lady seated nearby took a call from her daughter - or another young family member. Who was gently but loudly told she would have to wait till mum got home with
key, as young madam had locked herself out. I think young madam was either impatient or panicking, and memories of Trigger Happy TV and Dom Jolly came to key mind - "I'm on the train". As this conversation was into a mobile phone rather than in person, of course it wasn't acceptable within the rules like the garlic sauce one was.
What's the most interesting (or least interesting!) thing you've learned on the train?