Look - they should be scrapped. End of.
People "zone out" of repetitive announcements, so they become of no use whatsoever. Not just commuters, the typical one off traveller will hear mind the gap several dozen times in one trip!
They also state the bleeding obvious. No-one leaves their bags around these days as they don't want it nicked! We need to get people to take responsibility for their own actions and shift it away from other people. The culture needs to change.
1) Mind the gap should ONLY be used if there is a significant gap - a la Worcester Foregate Street platform 1 (which, if boarding a train with doors 1/3 along the carriage, must be one of the biggest in the
UK▸ ).
2) Take your belongings/ if you see anything suspicious/ security personnel tour this station etc... 100% pointless - scrap. It also lets terrorists win as we are "striking fear" into people.
3) Smoking. 100% pointless - scrap (I was on a station in Kent recently; a chav lit a fag, shortly after there was an auto no smoking announcement; shock horror, the chav ignored it!
4) Wet weather - scrap. It's insulting and common sense.
5) Fast trains through platform - I'll allow this (having changed at Dicot in the past
6) This is coach no - scrap, unless the train is going to split or there are short platforms. Otherwise, no-one cares.
7) The buffet sells - scrap, put a menu in each carriage, or make it
brief (and done by the guard so we don't have 2 long announcements after each stop)
I'm sure there are more, but you get the picture. Trains and stations are fast becoming noise polluted areas.